Become a mission partner

Want to play your part in taking God's word to God's world by going overseas with the gospel?

At Crosslinks, we help people take God’s word to God’s world. Since we began doing this in 1922, we have helped churches send thousands of individuals to many of the world’s countries. You can find out more about our history in our centenary magazine.

Today, our mission partners are living and working in 30 countries on five continents. Our remit is not defined by geography but simply by action: Bible-based ministries wherever they are needed. We’d love you to join in.

Who can be a Crosslinks mission partner?

In general, our mission partners:

  • are passionate about making Jesus known through the teaching of God’s word.
  • want to be involved with either frontline evangelism or training pastor teachers. 
  • have a theological degree or some training in Bible teaching. 
  • agree with our statement of faith.
  • are prepared to give at least three years to serve God overseas.
  • are UK residents and/or have significant connections to UK churches.

If you don’t quite match all these criteria, do get in touch as we’d be happy to explore opportunities with you.

Left: the Innes family (current Crosslinks mission partners); centre: Rupert Shelley (Director of Mission Partnerships); right: the Algeo family (Crosslinks mission partners from 2017 to 2022).
Becoming a Crosslinks mission partner

It usually takes between one and two years from an initial enquiry to departure for overseas. Our process involves a number of stages to ensure that you are a good fit for Crosslinks – and vice versa! It also gives you enough time to build sufficient support before you head overseas. Here is an overview of the process:

The first step in becoming a Crosslinks mission partner is to go through a period of discernment with your local church. Your church leadership will need to recommend you for overseas service. Your church will also be a key prayer and financial supporter for you during your time overseas.
Initially, you will have two interviews with members of our Senior Leadership Team. Next, we'll give you an application form to fill in and we'll take up your references. You will then be interviewed by a panel of selectors. Finally, you will be approved by our Board of Trustees.
Between your selection and departure you will (with the help of our office teams) set a budget; raise financial support through partnerships with individuals, churches and trusts; create a profile for our website and your partners; start writing prayer letters; and attend our residential orientation.
Once all your pre-placement tasks are completed (which includes raising enough pledged funds for three years overseas), you will be commissioned by your local church. After that, your next stop will be the airport!