
The staff at Crosslinks work hard to keep our mission partners doing what they do. They’re also all eager to help you play your part in God's global plan.

Senior Leadership Team

John McLernon

Mission Director

Working with the board of trustees and the Senior Leadership Team, John oversees the work of Crosslinks at home and around the world.

Beth Buchanan

Director of Mission Personnel

Beth leads the Mission Personnel Team. She is primarily responsible for our long-term mission partners. She is involved in their selection, deployment and ongoing pastoral care, which includes overseas visits and debriefs.

Mark Hackett

Director of Finance and Operations

Mark leads the Hub Team and has responsibility for all financial matters and the support infrastructure that underpins the work of Crosslinks.

Rupert Shelley

Director of Mission Partnerships

Rupert leads the Partnerships Team and is responsible for growing healthy relationships between local churches in the UK and mission partners and projects overseas.

Personnel Team

Led by Beth, the Personnel Team send and support Crosslinks mission partners, short-term teams and individual volunteers. They also support evangelistic projects and administer bursaries to enable theological and ministry training around the world.

Anastasia Gibbs

Short-Term Mission and Projects Coordinator

Anastasia coordinates in all aspects of sending short-term volunteers. She organises placements for church and gap year teams as well as individuals and couples. She also administrates for and looks after Project Partners.

Susie Harker

Mission Personnel Assistant

Susie Harker provides essential support to the Mission Personnel team as they prepare prospective staff for mission, support them throughout their placement and ensure that they are suitably equipped.

Dee Hemingway

Mission Personnel Support Manager

Dee supports Beth in developing and running the long-term Mission Personnel programme.


Ian Marden

BEST Co-ordinator

Ian manages the BEST study partner scheme. Ian is in regular contact with all our study partners to encourage them, ensure they’re making good progress and find out how we can pray for them.


Partnerships Team

Led by Rupert, the Partnerships Team helps build partnerships between Crosslinks mission partners/projects and churches/individuals in the UK and Ireland.

Helen Burns

Church Partnerships Co-ordinator

Helen works to make sure that churches have healthy partnerships with their mission partners. She arranges church visits, processes income and visits church prayer meetings.

Margaret McGuire

Mission Partnerships Enabler

Margaret helps our mission partners to play an effective role in financing their ministries. She helps individuals to engage with the work of Crosslinks, including through our membership program, and administers funding from legacies and trusts.

Polly Phillips

Communications Editor

Polly helps mission partners connect with both Crosslinks and their supporters back home. As well as ensuring Crosslinks’ internal communications run smoothly, she also oversees the writing of our external communications.

Hub Team

Led by Mark, the Hub Team supports the infrastructure and staff team which underpin the work of Crosslinks.

Ade Adeoye

Donations Administrator and Data Analyst

Ade receives your donations, looks after the database and keeps your details up-to-date. He also analyses the data and monitors trends in giving.

Chris Mukhtar

IT Manager

Chris is responsible for the secure and effective operation of our IT systems. He manages all the hardware and software that support our website, accounting and data facilities.

Andrew Taylor

Accounts Assistant

Andrew looks after the day-to-day management of our financial systems. He processes and allocates all the income and the payments to Crosslinks partners.

Ireland Team

Led by Richard, the Ireland Team helps churches across Ireland send and support Crosslinks mission partners and projects.

Richard Balmer

Ireland Team Leader

Richard leads the Ireland Team and oversees the work of Crosslinks in Ireland. He helps local churches get involved in global mission by developing relationships with mission partners and sending people on mission overseas.

Valerie Gibson

Activities and Relationships Co-ordinator

Valerie develops our relationships with churches and individuals in Ireland by organising regular prayer meetings and other events with supporters throughout the year. She also ensures that churches and individual supporters are resourced with mission partners’ prayer letters and information about Crosslinks.

Pam Smyth

Office Administrator

Pam undertakes financial and general administration for the Belfast Office.