Mission Partner

Thorsten and Kerstin Prill

The Rhenish Church in Namibia have asked Thorsten and Kerstin to return to Africa to support the church as they seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ in different parts of the country and beyond the Namibian borders. The Prills hope to move back to Namibia in Spring 2024.

As ministry consultants Thorsten and Kerstin will help to equip both church leaders and congregational members for Christ-like servanthood in different areas and at different levels of ministry. They will provide leadership training for ministers, evangelists and church elders, basic counselling/pastoral care training for church members and mentoring/coaching to leaders within the Rhenish Church and  the wider Namibian church. They will also be involved in pastoral care for Christian leaders and their families. In addition, Thorsten has been asked to act as a tutor to Rhenish ministers who undertake postgraduate theological studies and to continue in his role as an adviser to the church’s mission department.




Evangelical Christians:


Main religion:


Main Languages:

English (official), Oshiwambo, Otjiherero, Nama/Damara, RuKwangali, Afrikaans

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