Mission Partner

Robbie and Lizzie Bellis

Robbie and Lizzie spent eight years in Brussels, working alongside Woluwe Evangelical Church to share the gospel with unbelievers and build up believers in their faith. They moved to Louvain-la-Neuve in the summer of 2019 to begin a church plant there.

Louvain-la-Neuve is 30 minutes south of Brussels and home to many students, young professionals and families. Before the church plant began, there was no conservative evangelical church in the town. The church plant team started meeting informally in September 2019, whilst getting involved in the life of the town and getting to know locals. They officially launched the new church in September 2020.

Like many countries in continental Europe, only 1% of the population of Belgium are Christians. The country is linguistically divided, with the Flemish-speaking Flanders in the north and the French-speaking Wallonia in the south. 

Robbie and Lizzie have four children: Lola, Caleb, Mia and Zoe.




Evangelical Christians:


Main religion:

Roman Catholic

Main Languages:

Flemish, French

Recent Prayer Letters

We were looking at these verses in our team meeting at the LLN church and were struck by how Paul truly believes that the prayers of those partnering with him really will make a difference. When God’s people pray, God answers and Paul says that this leads to even more thanksgiving! We’re very grateful to God for you and for your prayers for us and for gospel advance here in French-speaking Belgium. We pray that as God answers your prayers, this will lead to much thanksgiving for many!
Bonjour from Belgium! Thank you very much for your prayers. We hope you are well at the beginning of this new academic year! Our children have just started term at the local school in Louvain-la-Neuve and we’re missing the holidays already! We had a great time during the summer, with some encouraging evangelistic efforts during July and some lovely holiday with our family in the UK. We’re glad to be back in Belgium for a new term of living and speaking for Jesus amongst French-speakers here.
Thank you very much for your prayers. We praise God for the hundreds of students who heard the gospel during the JAM mission week in March. There was a follow-up course, and we were grateful to God for the attendance. Please pray for ongoing follow-up with individuals as the students enter exam season.
Greetings from Belgium! In the church at Louvain-la-Neuve, we are preaching through Genesis 12–25 and God’s great promises to Abraham. It’s unbelievable that God would want to bless the world after Genesis 3–11 where humanity rejects him time and time again. What a God of mercy we have who wants to bless all the peoples of the earth. We’re so grateful to be beneficiaries ourselves of God’s amazing blessing in Abraham’s descendant, Christ, and we’re also very grateful for the opportunity to spread the news of the gospel to the peoples in Belgium and French-speaking Europe. Thank you very much for your prayers as we seek to do that!
Greetings from Belgium! We’ve just started a new sermon series at the church plant in Louvain-la-Neuve (LLN) looking at Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. We were really struck by God’s amazing plan for Jesus to be the supreme King of all things at the end of time. It’s tempting to look at how few Christians there are in Belgium or how few men and women are being trained for gospel ministry and think that Jesus is weak. Or as we chat with the parents at our children’s school, it’s easy to think that Jesus is irrelevant and that the best life is lived without him. How wrong we are to think those things! Jesus is neither weak, nor irrelevant! He is the key to the future of this world. Please join us and pray that we would really believe this and that we’d be more and more confident in Jesus this year.

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