Mission Project

Marsabit Youth Worker

Marsabit Diocese is in northern Kenya and is the size of the whole of Scotland. 60% of the population are Muslim and 35% follow traditional African religions – just 5% are Christian. Gospel workers are few, with fewer than 20 trained clergy.

The diocese’s youth and children’s worker is responsible for 53 churches spread across a huge region. It is an important role as radicalisation of young people is increasingly becoming an issue. Christian teenagers suffer much persecution and pressure to conform.

Jomo Nderitu has been the youth and children’s worker since January 2019. He previously worked in Marsabit as a ministry apprentice from 2014-2015. This apprenticeship year helped sharpen Jomo’s desire to live for Christ and proclaim him to the unchurched. Jomo then studied for a Bachelor of Theology at George Whitefield College in South Africa from 2016-2018.

Jomo’s ministry includes:

  • Discipling and training Sunday school teachers and youth leaders.
  • Producing ministry resources relevant to the unique context in Marsabit.
  • Organising youth and children’s events and running youth conferences.
  • Carrying out discipleship courses and establishing Christian Unions in schools.
  • Preaching across the diocese and seeking to model faithful bible handling.




Evangelical Christians:


Main religion:


Main Languages:

English and Swahili

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