Mission Partner

Gerald and Louise Mwangi

Gerald and Louise are passionate about young people knowing Jesus and living lives committed to him.

Gerald and Louise started and led the TransformD programme within iServe Africa for 6 years. TransformD is a discipleship programme which treaches the Bible and topical issues alongside life skills and 1:1 mentorship. Gerald and Louise have now left that programme to be continued by others within iServe Africa and are moving to train and equip those working with youth and children in churches and in specific discipleship programmes similar to TransformD. In Kenya, there is often teaching on theology but very little teaching or training on how to impart this theology to young people or children. Gerald is currently working on a curriculum and will begin training sessions in 2023.

Gerald and Louise have three boys: Jeremiah, Daniel and James.




Evangelical Christians:


Main religion:


Main Languages:

English and Swahili

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