Chris and Rosy are serving with a local evangelical church in Valencia, Spain.
Just 1% of the population of Spain are evangelical Christians. 75% of people identify as Roman Catholic but this tends to reflect a sense of cultural identity rather than personal faith.
When visiting Spain together, Chris and Rosy were struck by how little gospel witness there is in the country. The missionaries they met in Valencia convinced them of the need for more gospel workers who could serve alongside them in sharing the gospel with Spanish people.
Rosy studied Spanish at university and has a strong knowledge of the people and culture. For the past six years, Chris and Rosy have been involved in church ministry in Newcastle. Rosy worked as a student worker before becoming a foster carer and then having Lydia in May 2021. Chris was involved in planting a church in the culturally diverse west end, leading the children’s and youth work. In preparation for serving in gospel ministry long-term, Chris studied Theology with Crosslands and Rosy studied biblical counselling with BCUK.
Chris and Rosy recognise that it is a privilege serve God in this way. They would love gospel-hearted Christians to partner with them in the work, supporting them by praying and giving financially.