Mission Project

AER Moldova

What is AER Moldova?

When Crosslinks mission partners Graeme and Bequi Innes arrived in Moldova in 2017, they were not aware of any churches that were teaching the Bible expositionally. By God’s grace alone, there is now an established Reformed Evangelical Alliance (Alianta Evanghelica Reformata in Romanian, hence ‘AER’) of churches who share the same theological convictions to preach the whole counsel of God, by expositing the word faithfully. 

Who are we?

Graeme Innes and two local Moldovans, Mihai (Crosslinks study partner and Reformed Baptist pastor) and Paul (pastor of the International Presbyterian Church in Moldova), lead the AER steering council. In total, AER consists of over 20 pastors and elders, representing approximately a dozen evangelical churches across Moldova. 

AER Moldova’s aims: 

Our aims are to strengthen, support and sharpen Moldovan church leaders and members. We long to not only see the Moldovan evangelical church growing numerically, but also in depth, maturity and biblical faithfulness. Our hope is to provide good resources, books and speakers to both build up Moldovan Christians, and also to spread the gospel more widely in Moldova, all to the glory of God. 

On 18 May 2024, AER Moldova ran their first ever national Bible conference. Over 200 believers from 15 churches gathered to hear British pastor Orlando Saer preaching about God’s providence. Read more about this conference here.

How you can partner with AER Moldova:

Evangelical churches in the UK are resource-rich, whereas Moldova is the poorest country in Europe, and the churches are resource-poor. We would love to partner with churches in the UK and Ireland, and we would tremendously value your prayers, encouragement, resources, and financial support.




Evangelical Christians:


Main religion:

Orthodox Christianity

Main Languages:

Romanian, Russian

Support AER Moldova