Short-term placements

We believe every Christian has been sent into the world to declare God’s glory and we’d love you to get involved. Beyond our national borders there are countless opportunities for you to use your time and gifts in service of God’s global mission.

Short-term mission gives you a taste of overseas gospel work. You’ll explore cross-cultural ministry, grow spiritually and widen your perspective of the global church. It’s a great way to ‘test-the-waters’ for longer-term mission work or use a limited time-period to play your part in God’s plan for the world.

How it works

Crosslinks short-term volunteers serve alongside established mission partners, working side-by-side in bible-based ministry. Placements last from two weeks to two years. We can find opportunities for you as an individual, couple or as part of a team, in any of the five continents we work in.

Why go with Crosslinks?

We aim to make things straightforward for you every step of the way. From handling administration to providing support, training and advice, our business is to help you get involved in overseas mission. We know how important it is to prepare you before you go out, so we provide bible teaching on mission, cross-cultural adaptation and communication. We’ll brief you on your destination, advise you on travel health and help you create partnerships with those who will pray for you. For placements lasting a year or more, we’ll help you connect with those who can partner with you financially too. 

Find out more by following the links below.

Crosslinks is recognised by Global Connections as operating under the Code of Best Practice in Short-Term Mission 2019 and 2020.